English students:  
six new recordings with text each day
See below
The Book Blog, Laudato Si, The Joy of the Gospel

Use to/from school/work ! 

V2Catholic.com   A voice for the poor 
Edited by Hong Kong prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父    jdwomi@gmail.com    
To search for items on this site: use Google and put "v2catholic" before item required

DV  A new menu 7 days a week to help people keep up to date with what is happening in the world and in the Church, with a special hope that English students and sick friends will find The Book passages a source of extra help and encouragement

DG - Since 2013, this website has saved many dozens of Africans from going to prison in HK.  See "Drugs", below.

V2Catholic on Facebook
  God bless kind FB editor in Melbourne 

Archive of articles + other items: bottom of this page

2015-04-02washing-feet01.jpg (47055 bytes) 
Imitating Pope Francis


  Tuesday October 6   

Long but happy day yesterday visiting Swahili-speaking African inmates at Pik Uk Prison and Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre.

One Tanzanian inmate reminded me that since his arrest 7 months ago, not one  Tanzanian male drug mule has been arrested at HK airport. 

See "Tanzania File" at bottom of this menu for the reason why Tanzanian drug mules have stopped coming to HK!

   "Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

96. Jesus took up the biblical faith in God the Creator, emphasizing a fundamental truth: God is Father (cf. Mt 11:25).

In talking with his disciples, Jesus would invite them to recognize the paternal relationship God has with all his creatures. With moving tenderness he would remind them that each one of them is important in God’s eyes:

 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God” (Lk 12:6). “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them” (Mt 6:26).


Matteo Ricci (利 玛 窦) was born on this day in 1552 in the Italian town of Macerata. He grew up in Renaissance Italy with its love of learning and openness to new ideas.

From 1583 until his death in Beijing in 1610, Ricci worked in China as a Jesuit missionary. No other foreigner has been honored by China as much as Ricci. No other foreigner ever had as deep an understanding of Chinese culture and language as Ricci.

Happy Birthday, Matteo Ricci !


The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Deuteronomy 2-4 (a)

Moses continued his talk to the Israelites:

"God has been with us these 40 years, watching over us and providing for us.

God gave us many victories and continually told us not to be afraid of any enemies.

So now, Israel, do not forget God's goodness and help and laws.

Do not forget the things your eyes have seen. Make sure to tell these things to your children's children.

Psalm 127

If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labor.

If the Lord does not watch over the city, in vain does the watchman keep vigil.

Success comes not from earlier rising or from going later to rest,
but from the Lord's blessing.

Success is from the Lord who blesses the womb of his beloved while she sleeps.

Truly, children are a gift from the Lord, a blessing, the fruit of the womb.

Lord, many people these days don't want children. Please help such people understand that children are a blessing



Acts 5.21-33 (a)

When the leaders had their big meeting later that same morning, they sent for the apostles to be brought from prison

The police went to the prison, then came back and reported to the leaders "We found that the prison was properly locked, and the guards were on duty. But when we unlocked the door, there was no one inside"

Then a man arrived at the meeting with the news "At this very moment, the men you imprisoned, are now in the Temple preaching to the people"

The police again arrested the apostles and brought them to the meeting


Recommended: check these readings early morning, think about them during the day, check them again at night. This habit gives us extra energy, courage, motivation, peace and compassion for each day

 Mark 6.17-29

Not long after Jesus began traveling and teaching, King Herod arrested John the Baptist and put him in prison.

This was because John had told Herod he was breaking the Law
by living with Herodias,  his brother's wife.

During a birthday party for Herod, the daughter of Herodias danced.

Her dancing so pleased Herod
that he said he would give her anything she wanted.

Herodias told her to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a dish. Herod then had John beheaded.

Jesus, please give the world good leaders, and protect people from bad leaders like Herod



Recording of 133

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

 133. It is not enough that evangelizers be concerned to reach each person, or that the Gospel be proclaimed to cultures as a whole. A theology – and not simply a pastoral theology – which is in dialogue with other sciences and human experiences,  is most important for our discernment on how best to bring the Gospel message to different cultural contexts and groups

 The Church, in her commitment to evangelization, appreciates and encourages the charism of theologians and their scholarly efforts to advance dialogue with the world of cultures and sciences. I call on theologians to carry out this service as part of the Church’s saving mission.

 In doing so, however, they must always remember that the Church and theology exist to evangelize, and not be content with a desk-bound theology.

My regular article in today's Ming Pao newspaper
with the topic: Happy Birthday, Matteo Ricci
is on Ming Pao website - click "Australian in HK".
Free access to article with recording today from about noon to 8pm HK time. Text without recording

HSBC runaround - Ninety minutes of madness with the world’s local money-laundry

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
6th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 6th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Boko Haram 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Monday October 5      

Pope's homily at Family Synod

Love which is lasting, faithful, conscientious, stable and fruitful is increasingly looked down upon, viewed as a quaint relic of the past.

It would seem that the most advanced societies are the very ones which have the lowest birth-rates and the highest percentages of abortion, divorce, suicide, and social and environmental pollution.

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

95. The natural environment is a collective good, the patrimony of all humanity and the responsibility of everyone.

If we make something our own, it is only to administer it for the good of all. If we do not, we burden our consciences with the weight of having denied the existence of others.

That is why the New Zealand bishops asked what the commandment “Thou shall not kill” means when “twenty percent of the world’s population consumes resources at a rate that robs the poor nations and future generations of what they need to survive”.[78]




The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

Deuteronomy 1

After wandering in the desert for 40 years, the Israelites reached the land of Canaan. Moses then assembled the people and recalled all that had happened over the past 40 years:

"When God first told us to take this land, I said to you: Do not be afraid. God goes ahead of you and will be fighting on your side, as he did in Egypt.

I also said how God carried you, as a man carries his child, all along the road you travelled to this place.

But you did not trust God, and God closed the door to Canaan for 40 years, causing us to wander in the desert until now

Dear God, please help me to trust you a bit more

My recording of this reading

Psalm 126 

When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage, it seemed like a dream.

Then was our mouth filled with laughter, on our lips there were songs.

What marvels the Lord worked for us. Indeed we were glad.

Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.

They go out, full of tears, carrying seed for the sowing. They come back, full of song, carrying their sheaves.

Dear God, please bless all people who are sorrowful as they work


Acts 5.17-21

The religious leaders were jealous of the apostles. The leaders had the apostles arrested and put in prison

But that night an angel of the Lord opened the prison gates and led them out of the prison, saying to them:

"Go and stand in the Temple, and tell the people all about this new Life"

The apostles went to the Temple at dawn and continued preaching

Jesus, please help more and more people know about the new Life


Mark 6.7-13

Jesus went on a teaching tour of  the nearby villages. He sent out  his 12 special friends in 6 pairs, with authority over evil spirits.

He told them to take only bare essentials for the journey. He said "If any place does not welcome you, as you leave that place shake the dust from your feet as a sign to them".

The 12 apostles preached repentance. They cast out many devils. They anointed sick people with oil and healed them.

Jesus, may every place welcome you and your messengers


Darlene Starrs (Blogger from Canada)

Papal Visit to the United States
I believe Pope Francis is still a work in progress
... and his papacy is still a work in progress!

Recording of 132

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

132. Proclaiming the Gospel message to different cultures also involves proclaiming it to professional, scientific and academic circles. This means an encounter between faith, reason and the sciences with a view to developing new approaches and arguments on the issue of credibility, a creative apologetics which would encourage greater openness to the Gospel on the part of all

When certain categories of reason and the sciences are taken up into the proclamation of the message, these categories then become tools of evangelization; water is changed into wine. Whatever is taken up is not just redeemed, but becomes an instrument of the Spirit for enlightening and renewing the world


"Chicken & Duck" conversation at prison:
 Once I was talking to an inmate who is a refugee in HK. He's in detention for working without a permit in HK.  He's been here five years and is very frustrated by life.
So frustrated that he did something wrong at the detention centre and was put in isolation for a few days. I asked him "Did the guards use pepper-s
pray on you?". "Oh yes, father", he replied: "I pray every day"

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Monday,  please bless the people of Europe & Russia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
5th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 5th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify ISIS 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Sunday October 4      

Right now HK is feeling the effects of Typhoon Mujigai. Right now HK is also feeling the effects of Typhoon Beijing as it continues to threaten HK's basic freedoms.

Howard Winn describes this threat: The HKU Council’s betrayal is alarming for Hong Kong’s future. What next?

"Mainland Chinese companies are increasingly swallowing up large chunks of Hong Kong’s economic activity by moving in on key sectors such as real estate, finance, power, construction and the stock market. The press has long been a target, as have all levels of the education system, along with the legal profession and the judiciary"

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation


Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si
- on care for our common home

94. The rich and the poor have equal dignity, for “the Lord is the maker of them all” (Prov 22:2). “He himself made both small and great” (Wis 6:7), and “he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good” (Mt 5:45).

This has practical consequences, such as those pointed out by the bishops of Paraguay: “Every campesino has a natural right to possess a reasonable allotment of land where he can establish his home, work for subsistence of his family and a secure life.

This right must be guaranteed so that its exercise is not illusory but real. That means that apart from the ownership of property, rural people must have access to means of technical education, credit, insurance, and markets”.[77]

Father Harry Winter O.M.I.


One of the hot topics for the Synod on the Family Oct. 4-25 is Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics. A related topic is whether Protestant members of a family can receive Communion with their Catholic spouses and children. 

According to current discipline, Protestants may receive the Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, and Communion if there is a serious need, if they ask for them, and if they believe  what Catholics believe about these sacraments. 

Holy Spirit, please bless the Synod!

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

c.f. Readings for "Sunday 27"

Genesis 1-2

God made the world. God made  the sun, the moon and the stars .... the whole universe. God said "Let there be light" and there was light.

God made the earth with all its plants and trees and animals and fish and birds.

God made the first people ..... the first man and first woman. God made them in his own image and said to them "Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth."

God saw all that he had made, and all of it was good, very good

Dear God, thank you for making such a beautiful world!

My recording of this reading

Psalm 128

O blessed are those who love the Lord and walk in his ways.

By the labor of your hands you shall eat. You will be happy and prosper:

your wife like a fruitful vine in the heart of your house; your children like shoots of the olive, around your table.

Indeed thus shall be blessed the people who love and honor the Lord.

May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life. May you see your children's children in a happy Jerusalem!

On Israel, peace!

Dear Lord, may all married people live to see their children's children


Hebrews 2.14-18

The Son did not become an angel.
He became a man, so that he could die for us

By his death he took away the power of the devil

He himself experienced temptation. He is able to help us when we are tempted

Jesus, please help me when I am tempted to do something wrong



Daniel Daring: 

A Helpmate for Life

The Bible begins and ends with marriage. At the beginning Adam marries Eve and at the end the Lamb of God marries the Church

    Chinese text 

Mark 10.1-12

One day some religious leaders put Jesus to the test by asking him
"Is it against the Law of Moses for a man to divorce his wife?"

Jesus replied "God created male and female, for the two to become united as one body.  What God has united, no one should separate."

The religious leaders then asked
"But why did Moses allow divorce?"

Jesus replied "Moses allowed divorce because people were so hard of heart.  But divorce was not God's plan.

So I say to you, anyone who walks out on their partner and marries someone else, is guilty of adultery."

Jesus, please help married people stay together


 This article has info and photo of Kevin Zervos, the G9 bail group's judge:
Prof Chan’s non-election as pro-VC of HKU is a monumental disgrace

 Latest blog from Sr Anastasia M.M.
Pilgrimage to Shanghai, Taiyuan and Qingdao

In Mecca I saw little of Islam’s compassion, but a lot of Saudi Arabia’s neglect

Recording of  131

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

131. Differences between persons and communities can sometimes prove uncomfortable, but the Holy Spirit, who is the source of that diversity, can bring forth something good from all things and turn it into an attractive means of evangelization.

 Diversity must always be reconciled by the help of the Holy Spirit; he alone can raise up diversity, plurality and multiplicity while at the same time bringing about unity.

 When we, for our part, aspire to diversity, we become self-enclosed, exclusive and divisive; similarly, whenever we attempt to create unity on the basis of our human calculations, we end up imposing a monolithic uniformity. This is not helpful for the Church’s mission.  


This website's September statistics. God bless all readers and bloggers! May this little site help us follow Pope Francis' example of care for the poor, care for the environment, and a simple life style

Hour of Love  HK radio program 9.05pm HK time each Sunday night
- with messages about African inmates in HK prisons (c. 9.25pm)
 ... and tonight, DV, a special guest from Africa

 On this day in 2005

10th Anniversary of entry to other side of the veil of dear Mum

   Answer is here:  Squeeze-your-brain-02.jpg (16242 bytes)     

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Sunday,  please bless the people of Africa

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
4th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 4th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please bless all Muslims in my own country 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Saturday October 3   

As I continue to copy, paste and record an article from Laudato Si and from The Joy of the Gospel each day, Pope Francis' words are gradually sinking deeper into my mind and heart.

As a US student says in the article "Pope-Watch Party at Creighton" (at right), when we take the Pope's words on board, our hearts experience a surge of hope and motivation. Let's keep going each day!

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

93 (b): Saint John Paul II forcefully reaffirmed this teaching, stating that “God gave the earth to the whole human race for the sustenance of all its members, without excluding or favouring anyone”.[72]

These are strong words. He noted that “a type of development which did not respect and promote human rights – personal and social, economic and political, including the rights of nations and of peoples – would not be really worthy of man”.[73]

He clearly explained that “the Church does indeed defend the legitimate right to private property, but she also teaches no less clearly that there is always a social mortgage on all private property, in order that goods may serve the general purpose that God gave them”.[74]

Consequently, he maintained, “it is not in accord with God’s plan that this gift be used in such a way that its benefits favour only a few”.[75]

This calls into serious question the unjust habits of a part of humanity.[76]

Pope-Watch Party at Creighton

"My heart swelled. I was exhilarated. My passion for social justice was growing. This is what our country needed: someone powerful, to speak to those holding the power to make change, to address the concerns that have been plaguing our nation, our world, to keep us from that point of no return. I scanned the room around me; all of my peers were in awe"

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

Numbers 34-35

God gave the land of Canaan to the Israelites, and Moses allocated a section of the land to the eleven tribes.

The tribe of Levi received some towns and pasture land from each of the eleven tribes.

Cities of refuge were established, where people could find safety
if they had accidentally caused someone's death and the dead person's relatives wanted to take revenge.

In cases of homicide, more than one witness was required to convict someone of murder.

A final law: the inheritance of each tribe was not to be transferred to another tribe

Dear God, please bless my family
 with a sense of history and togetherness

My recording of this reading

Psalm 125 

Those who put their trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, that cannot be shaken.

Jerusalem, the mountains surround her, so the Lord surrounds his people, now and forever.

Lord,  please help us be more aware of your protecting presence





Acts 5.12-16

All the believers used to meet regularly in an area of the Temple. Their numbers kept on increasing

So many miracles kept happening that sick people were laid on beds on the street,  in the hope that at least Peter's shadow would cover them as he walked past

People came from the towns near Jerusalem, bringing their sick,
and all of the sick were healed

Jesus, let more healings take place in our day







Mark 6.1-6

Jesus and his disciples went to his home town of Nazareth. On the Sabbath he went to the prayer hall and began teaching.

People in the prayer hall were astonished at his teaching. "Who does he think he is?" they asked. "He is just a carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, Joset, Jude and Simon. His sisters also are here."  And they would not accept him.

So Jesus said to them "A prophet is despised only in his own country "

Because of their lack of faith, Jesus cured only a few sick people there. He was amazed at the lack of faith in Nazareth.

Jesus, please help me be happy about your gifts to others


Eruption of violence puts Pope's Africa visit in doubt 
(not an accurate headline...violence only in CAR...not in Kenya or Uganda)

NCR Editorial:  Get behind common-sense agenda on guns

October 4

Synod on Family is due to begin at the Vatican tomorrow ... the feast of St Francis of Assisi!

Recording of 130

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

130 (b): A sure sign of the authenticity of a charism is its ecclesial character, its ability to be integrated harmoniously into the life of God’s holy and faithful people for the good of all.

 Something truly new brought about by the Spirit need not overshadow other gifts and spiritualities in making itself felt. To the extent that a charism is better directed to the heart of the Gospel, its exercise will be more ecclesial


Nigerian football fans set up alternative Premier League – on Twitter

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Saturday,  please bless the people of Central & North America

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
3rd of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 3rd of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify the Taliban


This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Friday October 2      

ABC TV report - many views of area near my home, where group are staying:
Drug mule accused Australians get bail

Longer ABC transcript report

More photos & background story

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

93 (a):  Whether believers or not, we are agreed today that the earth is essentially a shared inheritance, whose fruits are meant to benefit everyone.

For believers, this becomes a question of fidelity to the Creator, since God created the world for everyone.

Hence every ecological approach needs to incorporate a social perspective which takes into account the fundamental rights of the poor and the underprivileged. 

The principle of the subordination of private property to the universal destination of goods, and thus the right of everyone to their use, is a golden rule of social conduct and “the first principle of the whole ethical and social order”.[71]


After hearing Francis, 18 US mayors vow to accept more refugees

A beautiful article:

Will we be inspired to respond to Pope Francis’ call?

“Jesus keeps knocking on our doors, the doors of our lives. He doesn’t do this by magic, with special effects, with flashing lights and fireworks,” Francis said. He knocks via “the faces of our brothers and sisters, in the faces of our neighbors, in the faces of those at our side.”

Love is shown by small things and “holiness is always tied to the little gestures, “ Francis said. The warm meal waiting for us, the hug and encouragement at the end of the day. “The quiet things done by mothers and grandmothers, by fathers and grandfathers, by children.”

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Readings: Feast of the Guardian Angels

Exodus 23 

The Lord says this: ‘I myself will send an angel before you to guard you as you go and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.

Give him reverence and listen to all that he says. Offer him no defiance; he would not pardon such a fault, for my name is in him. 

If you listen carefully to his voice and do all that I say, I shall be enemy to your enemies, foe to your foes. My angel will go before you.’

My recording of this reading

Psalm 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High says to the Lord "you are my refuge in whom I trust".

The Lord will hide you and protect you. Under his wings you will find refuge.

You will not fear any night time terror, nor any attack during the day.

Upon you no evil shall fall, no plague approach where you dwell.

For you has he commanded his
angels to keep you safe in all your ways.


I recommend this little prayer which I've said each morning and night for 50 years:
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day (night) be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide

Acts 12

When Peter was rescued from prison, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark where people were praying for him, thinking he was still in prison. 

A servant girl opened the door when Peter knocked. She ran inside to tell the group that Peter was at the door. 

The group did not believe Peter was there. One of them said  "it must be
his angel".

Eventually they opened the door and Peter described how an angel had rescued him from prison


Today is also the feast day of the 
inspiring African saint
St Josephina Bakhita

Matthew 18.1

The disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ So he called a little child to him and set the child in front of them. Then he said, ‘I tell you solemnly, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

‘Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven.’



Woman arrested for trafficking
HK Customs officers have arrested a 23-year-old woman after finding 3.8kg of cocaine worth $4.4 million in false compartments in a suitcase she was carrying at the airport.

Burundi is burning – help us put out the fire before it's too late

China's sponge cities- soaking up water to reduce flood risks

Armenia - China’s Link to Get to Europe

China needs a dose of reality in marking 60 years of rule in Xinjiang

Recording of 130

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel      Full text     

130 (a): The Holy Spirit also enriches the entire evangelizing Church with different charisms. These gifts are meant to renew and build up the Church

They are not an inheritance, safely secured and entrusted to a small group for safekeeping; rather they are gifts of the Spirit integrated into the body of the Church, drawn to the centre which is Christ and then channelled into an evangelizing impulse.

Laudato Si 93a (above):  The earth is our common inheritance
Joy of the Gospel 130a (above): The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not an inheritance

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Friday,  please bless the people of South America

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
2nd of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 2nd of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, on this Muslim day of prayer, please bless all Muslims!

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Thursday October 1   

Today is the National Day of China and Nigeria .... two places dear to my heart. 

May the Good Lord bless both nations with peace, with good leaders, with a spirit of compassion and sharing .... and may more and more people in both nations come to know and love the Lord

"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation


Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

92. When our hearts are authentically open to universal communion, this sense of fraternity excludes nothing and no one. 

It follows that our indifference or cruelty towards fellow creatures of this world sooner or later affects the treatment we mete out to other human beings. 

We have only one heart, and the same wretchedness which leads us to mistreat an animal will not be long in showing itself in our relationships with other people. Every act of cruelty towards any creature is “contrary to human dignity”.[69] 

We can hardly consider ourselves to be fully loving if we disregard any aspect of reality: “Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism”.[70]

Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth.


Yesterday as I walked back to Central after my visit to Hei Ling Chau Correctional Institution, I started thinking about what I saw in the same area one year ago on this day: student protesters occupying the streets in response to Beijing's attempts to take away Hong Kong's freedoms.

I took many photos of the protests  ...they can be seen here .... scroll down to October 1 for photos of the huge and peaceful crowds.

One year after ...and Beijing continues to try to bully HK. Latest effort: veto of HKU appointment

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 30-33

The Israelites waged war against the Midianites, and claimed their land and the land of Canaan.

To the sons of Gad, Reuben and Manasseh were given the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites and the kingdom of Og, king of Bashan.

The land of Canaan was divided  by lot among the Israelite clans

Dear God, please give peace to the people of the Middle East

My recording of this reading

Psalm 124

"If the Lord had not been on our side", this is Israel's song.

If the Lord had not been on our side when people rose against us, then would they have swallowed us alive when they were angry with us.

Blessed be the Lord who did not let us become a prey for their teeth.

Our life, like a bird, has escaped
from the snare of the hunter.

Indeed the snare has been broken
and we have escaped.

Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. 

Thank you, Lord, for all the times you have rescued me from trouble


(c.f. cruely to animals - Laudato Si, no. 92, above)


Acts 4.32-37

The apostles continued to witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with great power

The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul. They willingly shared everything they had with people who were in need

Joseph was a Temple minister who had been born in Cyprus. He sold a field  he owned, and gave the proceeds to the apostles. The apostles called him "Barnabas" ("Son of Encouragement")

Jesus, help me to be more caring and sharing


Today's Gospel

Mark 5.21-24; 35-43

A prayer hall official, Jairus, fell at Jesus' feet and pleaded "My little daughter is dying. Please come and lay your hands on her and save her life".

While Jesus was on the way to Jairus' home,  people arrived and told Jairus "Your daughter is dead. No need to trouble the Master any further".

Jesus heard this and said to Jairus "Do not be afraid. Just have faith". Jesus allowed only Peter, James and John to go with him.

At Jairus' home, everyone was weeping and wailing. Jesus said to them "Why all this crying? The child is not dead, but asleep".  Everyone laughed at him.

So he got them all to leave. Then taking the girl's parents and his 3 companions, he went to the place where the child was lying.

Taking the girl by the hand he said to her "Little girl, I tell you to get up". The little girl got up at once. She was 12 years old.

Jesus, please give us more faith to pray for the sick .... even for children who have died!


Robert Mickens
The Pope's trip to US: "He came, he saw and he conquered"

Venit, vidit, vicit! Now what?

Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk, Met Pope Francis

South Africa 'a country at war' as murder rate soars to nearly 49 a day

It is 50 years since the Indonesian genocide of 1965 but we cannot look away

Famous Chinese Christians

Zhang Xueliang (1900-2001)

Georgia denies clemency for woman on death row despite plea from pope

Georgia executes first woman for 70 years despite last-minute appeals

Recording of 129

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel     Full English text       Full Chinese text  福音的喜乐


129 (b): In countries where Christianity is a minority, then, along with encouraging each of the baptized to proclaim the Gospel, particular Churches should actively promote at least preliminary forms of inculturation. The ultimate aim should be that the Gospel, as preached in categories proper to each culture, will create a new synthesis with that particular culture

This is always a slow process and at times we can be overly fearful. But if we allow doubts and fears to dampen our courage, instead of being creative we will remain comfortable and make no progress whatsoever. In this case we will not take an active part in historical processes, but become mere onlookers as the Church gradually stagnates.

National Day today of both China and Nigeria. Among the many things which both nations have in common: a troubled football team/administration! 

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Thursday,  please bless the people of S.E. Asia & Pacific

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
1st of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 1st of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Al-Qaeda

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Wednesday September 30 


"Same-sex marriage" file

Islam File    The New Translation

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

91. A sense of deep communion with the rest of nature cannot be real if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion and concern for our fellow human beings.

It is clearly inconsistent to combat trafficking in endangered species while remaining completely indifferent to human trafficking, unconcerned about the poor, or undertaking to destroy another human being deemed unwanted. 

This compromises the very meaning of our struggle for the sake of the environment. It is no coincidence that, in the canticle in which Saint Francis praises God for his creatures, he goes on to say: “Praised be you my Lord, through those who give pardon for your love”.

Everything is connected. Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.


This is one of the finest articles ever written by Ron Rolheiser O.M.I. (fighting cancer)
Bringing New Life

When the signs of age begin to mark my body (and still more when they touch my mind); when the illness that is to diminish me or carry me off strikes from without or is born within me; when the painful moment comes in which I suddenly awaken to the fact I am losing hold of myself and am absolutely passive within the great unknown forces that have formed me; 

in all those dark moments, O God, grant that I may understand that it is you (provided only my faith is strong enough) who are painfully parting the fibres of my being in order to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance and bear me away within yourself.... Teach me to treat my death as an act of communion

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Numbers 28-29

Times for the Israelites to offer sacrifices to God:
-  daily
-  the Sabbath
-  the feast of the New Moon of each month
-  the feast of Unleavened Bread (14th day of 1st month)
-  the feast of Weeks
-  the feast of Acclamations (1st day of 7th month)
-  the day of Atonement (10th day of 7th month)
-  the feast of Tabernacles (15th day of 7th month)

Dear God, thank you for special days and seasons to honor you

Psalm 123

To you have I lifted up my eyes,
you who dwell in the heavens.

My eyes, like the eyes of slaves
on the hand of their lords.

Like the eyes of a servant on the hand of her mistress, so our eyes are on the Lord our God till he show us mercy.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy. We are filled with contempt.

Indeed all too full is our soul with the scorn of the rich, with the proud man's disdain.

Lord, please protect poor people 
from being exploited by rich people


Today's Gospel

Acts 4.23-31

When Peter and John were released, they went to a gathering of apostles and friends and told them everything that had happened

The group then prayed "Master, it is you who made heaven and earth and sea. Please protect us from leaders who threaten us. Help us to proclaim your message with great boldness. Bless us to heal and work miracles through the name of your holy servant Jesus"

As they prayed, the building rocked. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim the word of God boldly

Jesus, by the grace of your Holy Spirit, please help me to proclaim your message boldly


Mark 5.25-34 

A large crowd gathered around Jesus near the side of the Sea of Galilee. In the crowd was a woman who had suffered from bleeding  for 12 years. She had spent all her money on doctors, but they  had been unable to help her.

She had heard about Jesus. She came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. "If I can touch even his clothes, I will be healed" she said to herself.

As soon as she touched Jesus' cloak, the source of the bleeding dried up at once. Aware that power had gone out from him, Jesus turned round and said "Who touched me?"

The woman fell at his feet and told her story.
Jesus said "My daughter, your faith has restored you to health. Go in peace and be free from your illness".

Jesus, please help sick people touch you by prayer


Chris McDonnell (Wed UK blogger) 

Americans remembered
An article on the life of Thomas Merton was excluded from the recent edition of the American Catechism. You can only speculate what they must now feel with the inclusion of Merton by Francis in his Congress speech. Merton himself would no doubt find his name being written in to the record of Congress the occasion for a wry smile

Gerard O'Connell

250 bishops from all over the world will gather in synod in the Vatican from Oct. 4 to 25 for what many consider to be the most important assembly of this kind since the Second Vatican Council. They gather exactly 50 years after that council to focus on the family and, in the words of Pope Francis at the end of the 2014 synod, “to find concrete solutions to so many difficulties and innumerable challenges that families must confront; to give answers to the many discouragements that surround and suffocate families.”
A Synod of Solutions

Looking ahead to the synod, Francis reminded new cardinals on Feb. 15 that throughout the church’s history “two ways of thinking are present: casting off and reinstating.” There is “the thinking of the doctors of the law, which would remove the danger by casting out the diseased person, and the thinking of God, who in his mercy embraces and accepts by reinstating him.” From the time of the Council of Jerusalem, he stated, “the church’s way has always been the way of Jesus, the way of mercy and reinstatement.” 

Hong Kong students gather in Sydney for Occupy anniversary

Tanzania: Great migration of animals from Serengeti to be broadcast on internet

Pope confirms continued Vatican-China talks

Recording of 129

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

129 (a):
We should not think, however, that the Gospel message must always be communicated by fixed formulations learned by heart or by specific words which express an absolutely invariable content.

 This communication takes place in so many different ways that it would be impossible to describe or catalogue them all, and God’s people, with all their many gestures and signs, are its collective subject

If the Gospel is embedded in a culture, the message is no longer transmitted solely from person to person


"Chicken and duck" conversation with an inmate yesterday:
Q: Do you have any children?   A: Yes, two.
Q: Girls or boys?  A: Girls
Q: How old are they? A: My son is 7 and my daughter is 5

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Wednesday,  please bless the people of East Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
30th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of
Shanghai & Tianjin

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 30th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Haiti & Nepal

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Al-Shabaab 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Tuesday September 29  

Well, Pope Francis is now safely back in Rome. Thank you, God, for giving him a safe trip to Cuba and the US! He's certainly the number one sign of hope in our troubled world

May the Lord continue to bless him with good health, courage and wisdom .... and as many years as possible before retirement

For me his speech to the US Congress was the most moving of all his addresses. As The Guardian put it: Pope electrifies Congress with speech laying out bold vision for US

Photos of meal last night with G9 bail group

Islam File    The New Translation

"Same-sex marriage" file

Full English text

Full Chinese text


Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

90. This is not to put all living beings on the same level nor to deprive human beings of their unique worth and the tremendous responsibility it entails. Nor does it imply a divinization of the earth which would prevent us from working on it and protecting it in its fragility. Such notions would end up creating new imbalances which would deflect us from the reality which challenges us.[68] 

At times we see an obsession with denying any pre-eminence to the human person; more zeal is shown in protecting other species than in defending the dignity which all human beings share in equal measure.

Certainly, we should be concerned lest other living beings be treated irresponsibly. But we should be particularly indignant at the enormous inequalities in our midst, whereby we continue to tolerate some considering themselves more worthy than others.

We fail to see that some are mired in desperate and degrading poverty, with no way out, while others have not the faintest idea of what to do with their possessions, vainly showing off their supposed superiority and leaving behind them so much waste which, if it were the case everywhere, would destroy the planet. In practice, we continue to tolerate that some consider themselves more human than others, as if they had been born with greater rights.


Pope at prison: justice system must focus on healing

'God bless America' - Pope issues final call for unity at end of historic US visit - his own 45 second summary of his whole trip (video)

Pope plans to attend next World Meeting of Families in DUBLIN, 2018.

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Readings for Feast of the angels
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael

Tobit 12 (Raphael): 

When Tobit's banquet was finished, Tobit wanted to thank Raphael for all his help.

Only then did Raphael tell Tobit and Tobias that he was an angel sent by God to help them.

"I am Raphael, one of the 7 angels who stand ever ready to enter the presence of the glory of the Lord.

Never tire of giving God thanks.
And never tire of helping the poor."

Raphael farewelled them, rose in the air, and left them. They praised and thanked God for all he had done for them.

My recording of this reading

Psalm 138:

I thank you, Lord, with all my heart. You have heard the words of my mouth.

With the angels I will bless you.
I will adore you in your holy temple.

I thank you for your faithfulness and love which are far above what we can understand.

On the day I called you answered.
You increased the strength of my soul.

All earth's kings shall thank you
when they hear the words of your mouth.

They shall sing of the Lord's ways: "How great is the glory of the Lord!"



Revelation 12  (Michael):

Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought the dragon and his angels

Michael won. Satan and his followers were driven out of heaven

The great dragon, the serpent, known as the Devil or Satan,
was hurled down to earth. His angels were hurled down with him

The dragon began to make war on the children of the Woman - those who obey God and bear witness to Jesus




Luke 1 (Gabriel):

In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel
Gabriel to the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary who was betrothed to a man named Joseph

The angel said to her "Mary, Rejoice! You have been greatly blessed by God. You are to conceive and have a son whom you must name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God"

Mary said to the angel, "How can this happen since I am a virgin?"

The angel replied "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will specially bless you. Know this too: your cousin Elizabeth has, in her old age, conceived a son, and is now in her sixth  month"

"I am the handmaid of the Lord", said Mary, "let what you have said, be done for me".  And the angel left her


Pope Francis and many others are calling for a reform of the world's economic structures. These four pages scream out "reform!"  (The whole of this book's introduction is here)
A-Game-As-Old-As-Empire-19.jpg (202635 bytes)  A-Game-As-Old-As-Empire-20.jpg (265670 bytes)  A-Game-As-Old-As-Empire-21.jpg (376104 bytes)  A-Game-As-Old-As-Empire-22.jpg (370099 bytes)

This book has special relevance for Africa

4 women arrested at HK airport for drug trafficking

Is Beijing Trying to Rig HK District Council Elections?

Yesterday I finished watching this most interesting BBC program:
The King James Bible Documentary

Recording of 128

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full text

128 (b): At times the message can be presented directly, at times by way of a personal witness or gesture, or in a way which the Holy Spirit may suggest in that particular situation. 

If it seems prudent and if the circumstances are right, this fraternal and missionary encounter could end with a brief prayer related to the concerns which the person may have expressed.

In this way they will have an experience of being listened to and understood; they will know that their particular situation has been placed before God, and that God’s word really speaks to their lives.

Hong Kong media have noted that Xi’s speech at the UN was not as popular as it was depicted in the Chinese media. Apple Daily reported that, while Chinese media told their audience back home that “it was hard for journalists to squeeze into the room”, reality showed that the speech was sparsely attended with the room mostly empty. (from this report, which has photo of empty seats)

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
29th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 29th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Boko Haram 

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's South America file 
(stopping South Americans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)
- letters  from South American inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


HK readers might like to join me in praying each day for one group of HK prison inmates:  Sun: Lo Wu    Mon: C.I.C., Siu Lam, Tai Lam     Tue: Stanley   Wed:  Hei Ling Chau    Thu: Lantau       Fri: Lai Chi Kok       Sat: Hospitals, Pik Uk & other centres

Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

Abp-Bergoglio01.jpg (24769 bytes)


2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)

inmates.jpg (66142 bytes)

2013-06-06pope-francis.jpg (89098 bytes)

2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)

2013-07-29pope-plane.jpg (270817 bytes)

2013-11-07pope.jpg (21651 bytes)  Links
01  02

2014-02-23to-Evangelicals.jpg (107190 bytes)

2014-03-11retreat.jpg (9338 bytes)

2014-03-10Bergoglio-Mass-in-streets.jpg (14759 bytes)

2014-03-16jokes01.jpg (31311 bytes)

2014-03-26homeless-Jesus-sculpture.jpg (49038 bytes)

2014-05-25security-wall.jpg (45994 bytes)

2014-06-03charasmatic-gathering.jpg02.jpg (19951 bytes)

2014-06-08Presidents05.jpg (27009 bytes)

2014-07-25cafeteria.jpg (306847 bytes)

2015-04-02washing-feet01.jpg (47055 bytes)

2015-09-22Fiat.png (91264 bytes)

2015-09-24Congress.jpg (43598 bytes) Link


Newness, harmony, mission

Engagements of Pope Francis

Zenit.org - reports from Rome

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim

Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs
David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter 
  John Wotherspoon

This website tries to stop "tanks"
(war, global warming, exploitation of the poor, globalisation of indifference, liturgical "reform of the reform" & other anti-Vatican II forces, "same-sex marriage" juggernaut etc)

  Weekly Archive  of main page menus

Previous archives 
2013  2012  2011 2010  2009  2008

Previous Bible Blogs of this website

Previous Smiles file

John W: Previous Daily Blogs

The unjust treatment
 of Bishop Bill Morris

Hans Küng:  Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 

Robert Mickens:
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?

A Call to Action
Assn Catholic Priests Ireland

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church

Excellent articles on Mission

Hugh McMahon SSC

Imposter Priests
- refusing to pass on the teaching of Francis' The Joy of the Gospel

My Islam File

Political leaders who live(d) a simple life style and care(d) for the poor

HK Democracy File - essential reading

HK Asylum Seekers File

IS (ISIS) File - Essential Reading

Gaza File - essential reading


1998 ICEL Sacramentary

Misguided Missal

The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit:
 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II


 Sacred Space  Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
to-believe.jpg (305669 bytes)

Daily prayer with beautiful music

Whole text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible

The Last Supper -  Bohdan Piasecki 
Last-Supper-Piasecki.jpg (69304 bytes)
(click to enlarge)

The Lord's Day (Pope John Paul II)


Bob Welsh - My Christmas Eve

 A Tale of Two Brains

The Story of Jonah 
as Told by The Cutest Little Girl
(gets even better as it goes along)

YouTube from KLM!

North Africa refugee boat - Link
refugees03.png (2697912 bytes)

Abortion Survivor’s Letter
 to the Abortionist

Tribalism lives on, 
for better and for worse

Video: Sydney Peace Prize Lecture by Julian Burnside  

16 Documents of Vatican II

This website's 
Reflections on the 16 documents
 of Vatican II


Be careful of junk reading re Pope:
Chancery report in English
Chancery report in Chinese


Why I collect rubbish for Pope

Taking a stand

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

"Reform of reform" agenda

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy
 and sexual abuse

Same-sex marriage": 
two elephants in the men's room

     Near Death Experiences

Globalisation of Indifference

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

This site's full statistics
 for September 2015

To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com

John W's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

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Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父   
 Email:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
     Hong Kong mobile  (852) 6709 5674
 China mobile  13030213703 -  out of action for the time being
Mail address: PO Box 74013 Kowloon Central Post Office, Kowloon , Hong Kong

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