English students:  
seven new recordings with text each day
     See below:
The Book Blog, Laudato Si, The Joy of the Gospel, JL
Use to/from school/work! 

V2Catholic.com   A voice for the poor 
Edited by Hong Kong prison chaplain Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    jdwomi@gmail.com    
To search for items on this site: use Google and put "v2catholic" before item required

DV  A new menu 7 days a week to help people keep up to date with what is happening in the world and in the Church, with a special hope that English students and sick friends will find The Book passages a source of extra help and encouragement

This site supports HK Janny's work for the poor in Malawi

V2Catholic on Facebook
  God bless kind FB editor in Melbourne 

Archive of articles + other items: bottom of this page

2015-04-02washing-feet01.jpg (47055 bytes) 
Imitating Pope Francis

DG - Since 2013, this website's anti-drug campaign has saved many dozens of Africans & others from going to prison in HK.    To intensify the campaign, new websites are being constructed:

Europe Indonesia Kenya Nigeria Philippines South Africa

South America

Thailand Tanzania Uganda Hong Kong

Hong Kong - how many years in prison for drug trafficking?


 Tuesday September 6 

Pope canonises Mother Teresa

On Pope's orders 1,500 homeless people were brought to Rome overnight on buses from around Italy to be given seats of honour at the canonisation

My article in today's Ming Pao newspaper with the topic: 
Story of A-Mei & greedy HK

is on Ming Pao website - click "Australian in HK". Free access to article with recording today from about noon to 8pm HK time. Text without recording

Anti-Beijing activists gain foothold in power


HK’s political class shaken up by new kids on the block

Letter from a South African woman, a mother of two young children, in prison in HK for drug trafficking. Here (August 17)


Letter from a 22 year old man from Peru in prison in HK for drug trafficking. Here


The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Jeremiah 8-11

Jeremiah said sorrowfully:

My people have forgotten God.

My people ignore God.

My people follow false gods.

My people have no time for the real God.

Lord, you know how weak we are.

Correct us gently, Lord.

Correct us gently, Lord, correct us gently

My recording of this reading

Recommended: check these readings early morning, think about them during the day, check them again at night. This habit gives us extra energy, courage, motivation, peace and compassion for each day

Psalms 29-30

The Lord gives us strength, the Lord blesses us with peace.

Thank you, Lord, for so often helping and healing me.

I cried to you when sickness surrounded me, and you healed me.

You  changed my mourning into dancing.

So I will thank you always.

Thank you, Lord, for all the times you have healed me



Today's Gospel:


2 Peter 1.20 - 3.18

We must be careful to understand Scripture according to God's mind. We are not free to make up our own interpretations as we like

In the past there were false prophets. So there will always be false prophets and teachers who twist the truth to suit their own tastes and corrupt behavior. They will have much to answer for when the Day of the Lord comes

Our brother Paul has written to you about this issue. Sometimes his writing is not easy to understand, and is distorted by false teachers

Avoid false teaching. Stand firm in the truth.

Go on growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. To him be glory, in time and in eternity. Amen

Jesus,  protect me from people who distort the Bible message


 Matthew 21.1-11

Jesus sat on a donkey colt for the trip down the hill from the Mount of Olives to the city of Jerusalem.

This was as a prophet had predicted: "Look, your king is coming, humbly riding a peaceful donkey".

Big crowds accompanied Jesus down the hill. People spread their clothes on the road as a sign of honor.

People cut branches from the trees and waved them singing
"Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  Hosanna in the highest!"

People in the city asked "Who is he?" The crowd answered "This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee".

Jesus, may you be warmly welcomed by every place and every person in the world


Why did Facebook shut down a conservative group on sexual issues?
and see the link in this article to:
Former Facebook Workers - We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family      Full English text

151: Recording

To those who fear that the training of the passions and of sexuality detracts from the spontaneity of sexual love, Saint John Paul II replied that human persons are “called to full and mature spontaneity in their relationships”, a maturity that “is the gradual fruit of a discernment of the impulses of one’s own heart”.

This calls for discipline and self-mastery, since every human person “must learn, with perseverance and consistency, the meaning of his or her body”. 

Sexuality is not a means of gratification or entertainment; it is an interpersonal language wherein the other is taken seriously, in his or her sacred and inviolable dignity.

As such, “the human heart comes to participate, so to speak, in another kind of spontaneity”.

In this context, the erotic appears as a specifically human manifestation of sexuality. It enables us to discover “the nuptial meaning of the body and the authentic dignity of the gift”.

In his catecheses on the theology of the body, Saint John Paul II taught that sexual differentiation not only is “a source of fruitfulness and procreation”, but also possesses “the capacity of expressing love: that love precisely in which the human person becomes a gift”.

A healthy sexual desire, albeit closely joined to a pursuit of pleasure, always involves a sense of wonder, and for that very reason can humanize the impulses.

Interactive Bible Quz - Exodus
Based on the actual words of the Bible. 
How many times you can get 3/3 ?!

Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

143: Recording

Together with the patrimony of nature, there is also an historic, artistic and cultural patrimony which is likewise under threat. This patrimony is a part of the shared identity of each place and a foundation upon which to build a habitable city. 

It is not a matter of tearing down and building new cities, supposedly more respectful of the environment yet not always more attractive to live in. Rather, there is a need to incorporate the history, culture and architecture of each place, thus preserving its original identity. 

Ecology, then, also involves protecting the cultural treasures of humanity in the broadest sense. More specifically, it calls for greater attention to local cultures when studying environmental problems, favouring a dialogue between scientific-technical language and the language of the people.

Culture is more than what we have inherited from the past; it is also, and above all, a living, dynamic and participatory present reality, which cannot be excluded as we rethink the relationship between human beings and the environment.


A Sino-Vatican Win-Win?

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full English text     Full Chinese text

124: Recording 

The Aparecida Document describes the riches which the Holy Spirit pours forth in popular piety by his gratuitous initiative. On that beloved continent, where many Christians express their faith through popular piety, the bishops also refer to it as “popular spirituality” or “the people’s mysticism”.

It is truly “a spirituality incarnated in the culture of the lowly”. Nor is it devoid of content; rather it discovers and expresses that content more by way of symbols than by discursive reasoning, and in the act of faith greater accent is placed on credere in Deum than on credere Deum.

 It is “a legitimate way of living the faith, a way of feeling part of the Church and a manner of being missionaries”; it brings with itself the grace of being a missionary, of coming out of oneself and setting out on pilgrimage:

 “Journeying together to shrines and taking part in other manifestations of popular piety, also by taking one’s children or inviting others, is in itself an evangelizing gesture”. Let us not stifle or presume to control this missionary power!


Gender equality issue:

Chess pieces ...not right to have king, queen ...all should be the same ...all pawns  (???)

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Tuesday, please bless the people of South Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
6th of the month, Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 6th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Boko Haram 

Letters from (mainly African) inmates in Hong Kong prisons - and other drug trafficking items:   2016

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Monday September 5    

Canonisation of Mother Teresa ... I watched it on computer last night ....very simple yet very beautiful. Saint Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!

Bishop Mark Edwards O.M.I. (my former student!):

The Year of Mercy and the prodigal son  


Green building at back of fire in this report is St Paul's school where our gathering for the poor last night was cancelled because of the fire! 

Huge blaze at Yau Ma Tei fruit market

Another dear friend now in Heaven - A-MING ... died peacefully two nights ago in hospital

Photos - many happy memories:

2010-06-05      2010-10-23  

2010-10-31       2011-03-05 

2011-01-06       2013-07-28


The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

Jeremiah 7

At the gate of the Temple in Jerusalem, Jeremiah proclaimed the word of the Lord:

"You people of Judah who come here to worship, amend your behavior and actions, and then I, the Lord,  will meet you here in this Temple.

Do not exploit the stranger, the orphan and the widow. Do not follow alien gods, do not break the Commandments.

If you don't care about bad behavior and yet keep on coming to my Temple for worship, your worship is useless and you are turning this Temple into a robbers' den.

This nation refuses to listen to the Lord. Sincerity has vanished since worship and behavior are not related."

Lord, please help me "practise what I preach"

My recording of this reading

Psalm 28

To you, O Lord, I call, my rock, hear me. If you do not heed, I shall become like people in the grave.

Lord, you are my strength and my shield. In you my heart trusts.

Thank you, Lord, for so often hearing my prayer. I will always thank and praise you.

You are the strength of your people Israel. Save your people. Be our shepherd and carry us for ever.

Lord, please help people who are in big danger today






2 Peter 1.12-18

As long as I am in this passing world, my duty is to keep on reminding you of the truths we hold dear

Writing this letter is one way of making sure that after my departure you will still have a way of recalling the truths we hold dear

These truths are not cleverly invented myths. I myself saw the majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ

He was honored and glorified by God the Father,  when the Sublime Glory himself spoke to him and said "This is my Son, the Beloved. He enjoys my favor"

I heard this myself, spoken from heaven, when I was with Jesus on the holy mountain

Jesus, Beloved Son, may more and more people accept the truth of your Good News






Matthew 20.29-34

As  Jesus was leaving Jericho on his way to Jerusalem, many people followed him along the road.

Sitting by the road were two men who had become blind. When they heard that Jesus was going past, they called out "Son of David, have pity on us."

Some people tried to stop them from calling out, but they shouted even more loudly "Son of David, have pity on us."

Jesus stopped and said to them "What do you want me to do for you?" They replied "Lord, let us see again".

Jesus felt sorry for them. He touched their eyes and straight away their sight returned.

Jesus, please heal my blind friend ....(name)....


The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family     Full English text

150: Recording

All this brings us to the sexual dimension of marriage. 

God himself created sexuality, which is a marvellous gift to his creatures. 

If this gift needs to be cultivated and directed, it is to prevent the “impoverishment of an authentic value”.

Saint John Paul II rejected the claim that the Church’s teaching is “a negation of the value of human sexuality”, or that the Church simply tolerates sexuality “because it is necessary for procreation”.

Sexual desire is not something to be looked down upon, and “and there can be no attempt whatsoever to call into question its necessity”.

Iraqi refugee humbled by bravery medal after saving man in house fire

Climate Changestunning visuals


Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

142b: Recording

Whether in the administration of the state, the various levels of civil society, or relationships between individuals themselves, lack of respect for the law is becoming more common. Laws may be well framed yet remain a dead letter. 

Can we hope, then, that in such cases, legislation and regulations dealing with the environment will really prove effective? 

We know, for example, that countries which have clear legislation about the protection of forests continue to keep silent as they watch laws repeatedly being broken.

Moreover, what takes place in any one area can have a direct or indirect influence on other areas. Thus, for example, drug use in affluent societies creates a continual and growing demand for products imported from poorer regions, where behaviour is corrupted, lives are destroyed, and the environment continues to deteriorate.


YouTube (55 mins)

This is good:
Dr. Dan Wallace - The Son's Ignorance in Matthew 24:36

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel          Full English text     Full Chinese text

123: Recording

  Popular piety enables us to see how the faith, once received, becomes embodied in a culture and is constantly passed on. Once looked down upon, popular piety came to be appreciated once more in the decades following the Council.

 In the Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI gave a decisive impulse in this area. There he stated that popular piety “manifests a thirst for God which only the poor and the simple can know” and that “it makes people capable of generosity and sacrifice even to the point of heroism, when it is a question of bearing witness to belief”.

 Closer to our own time, Benedict XVI, speaking about Latin America, pointed out that popular piety is “a precious treasure of the Catholic Church”, in which “we see the soul of the Latin American peoples”.


10 years ago today

2006-09-05 First week of new academic year at various centers in the poor areas

G20 leaders told 'avoid empty talk' by China's Xi Jinping

This should be: "G20 leaders told by China's Xi Jinping to avoid empty talk" ...otherwise it means the leaders should avoid Xi's empty talk!  

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Monday,  please bless the people of Europe & Russia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
5th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 5th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify ISIS 

Letters from (mainly African) inmates in Hong Kong prisons - and other drug trafficking items:   2016

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


Sunday September 4 

People talk about "the problem of evil".
But a much bigger issue is "the problem of existence" - where did this beautiful wonderful world come from?!     

YouTube (7 mins) - by a leading US evangelical scholar:
Was the Shroud of Turin the Shroud of Jesus?

Australian cops ‘will die in jail’ for cold-blooded drug deal murder of Chinese student with alleged links to Hong Kong triads

Letter from a South American man in prison in HK for drug trafficking  - "don't do it!" Here

And a letter in Zulua from a South African woman in prison in HK for drug trafficking. Here

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

c.f. Readings for "Sunday 23"

Wisdom 10 - 19

Wisdom has been present in the world since the beginning of time. Wisdom has always been a close friend of good people.

Wise people see God in the beauty of creation. Foolish people are blind to God's presence in creation.

Wise people ponder God's goodness and kindness. Wise people  try to be good and kind to other people.

Lord, please help me see and imitate your goodness and kindness

My recording of this reading

Psalm 90

O Lord you have been our refuge 
from one generation to the next.

Before the earth or the world existed, you are God, without beginning or end.

For you, a thousand years are like yesterday, come and gone so quickly.

We humans have a short life, our life is over like a sigh.

Our span is 70 years, or 80 for those who are strong.

Make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart.

In the morning, fill us with your love. Give success to the work of our hands.

Lord, help us realize the shortness of our life,  that we may live our lives more wisely


Philemon 9-25

While here in prison, I have helped someone you know to become a believer. He is carrying this letter - Onesimus

I'm sending him back to you, no longer your slave, but your brother in Christ

Please welcome him as you would welcome me. And let me pay for anything he stole from you

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you

Jesus, please put an end to slavery in the world


Daniel Daring:  

Nothing Can Compete With Christ
Jesus demands undivided love and generous surrender from us

Chinese text

Today's Mass Gospel, Luke 14.25-33, is not easy to understand ... so it's not in the Simple Bible which is used for this website. 

"Hate" your family here means "put God before all else" (and this in fact leads to greater love for one's family!).

"Give up all your possessions" may mean the same thing: put God before all your possessions; don't let possessions become your lord". But this is a very, very difficult passage. See:
Renounce my Posessions -- What does Luke 14.33 mean?

The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family      Full English text

149: Recording

Some currents of spirituality teach that desire has to be eliminated as a path to liberation from pain. 

Yet we believe that God loves the enjoyment felt by human beings: he created us and “richly furnishes us with everything to enjoy” (1 Tim 6:17). 

Let us be glad when with great love he tells us: “My son, treat yourself well… Do not deprive yourself of a happy day” (Sir 14:11-14). 

Married couples likewise respond to God’s will when they take up the biblical injunction: “Be joyful in the day of prosperity” (Ec 7:14). 

What is important is to have the freedom to realize that pleasure can find different expressions at different times of life, in accordance with the needs of mutual love. 

In this sense, we can appreciate the teachings of some Eastern masters who urge us to expand our consciousness, lest we be imprisoned by one limited experience that can blinker us. This expansion of consciousness is not the denial or destruction of desire so much as its broadening and perfection.





Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

142a: Recording

If everything is related, then the health of a society’s institutions has consequences for the environment and the quality of human life.

 “Every violation of solidarity and civic friendship harms the environment”.[116]

In this sense, social ecology is necessarily institutional, and gradually extends to the whole of society, from the primary social group, the family, to the wider local, national and international communities. 

Within each social stratum, and between them, institutions develop to regulate human relationships.

Anything which weakens those institutions has negative consequences, such as injustice, violence and loss of freedom.


Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full English text     Full Chinese text

122b: Recording

Each portion of the people of God, by translating the gift of God into its own life and in accordance with its own genius, bears witness to the faith it has received and enriches it with new and eloquent expressions

One can say that a people continuously evangelizes itself”.  Herein lies the importance of popular piety, a true expression of the spontaneous missionary activity of the people of God. This is an ongoing and developing process, of which the Holy Spirit is the principal agent.


Websites' statistics for August 2016

10 years ago

2006-09-04 Hong Visitors Anna, Margaret & Margaret at CAS before visiting poor areas

Hour of Love  HK radio program 9.05pm HK time each Sunday night
- with messages about African inmates in HK prisons (c. 9.25pm)

Discrimination Dude: 
Miss World & Miss Universe competitions should be banned....because they are only for women ....they discriminate against men.
They should be replaced with World Person and Universe Person competitions  (?)

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Sunday,  please bless the people of Africa

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
4th of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 4th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please bless all Muslims in my own country 

Letters from (mainly African) inmates in Hong Kong prisons - and other drug trafficking items:   2016

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Saturday September 3   

Islam File
    The New Translation

"Same-sex marriage" file

Nairobi slums a tipping point for volunteer Heather


a Zambian woman in prison in HK for drug trafficking



Yesterday I spent 8 hours at Lai Chi Kok (men's) Reception Centre, visiting many sections of the centre - including the centre's hospital ... where all staff are trained nurses!

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Readings are from Simple Bible
 (which has Chinese translation available)

Jeremiah 3-6

The country has no rain because its people have forgotten the Lord.

The people refuse to repent and so the land has many sorrows.

Stop and think about the past: which was the good way to live?
Follow that way now and you will find peace for yourselves and the land.

Lord,  please bless our land, by helping us be better people.

My recording of this reading

Psalm 27

The Lord is my light and my help, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, before whom shall I shrink? Though an army encamp against me, even then would I trust.

There is one thing I ask of the Lord, for this I long: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

It is your face, O Lord, that I seek. Hide not your face. I am sure I will see your goodness in the land of the living.

Hope in the Lord, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord!

Lord, you are my light and my help. I will always praise you. 


2 Peter 1.1-11

From Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to all who have faith through our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

May you have more and more grace and peace as you come to know our Lord more and more

By his divine power, he has given us all we need for life and faith.
He has called us to share his divine nature in his eternal kingdom

So we must do our best to live lives of goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, a love for prayer, kindness and love

Dear Jesus, may I see you more clearly, love you more dearly,
follow you more nearly, day by day


Matthew 20.20-28

The brothers James and John were two of Jesus' disciples. One day their mother said to Jesus
"When you become king, allow my sons to sit at your right and left".

Jesus said to James and John
"Only my Father in heaven can allocate seats on my right and left". 

The 10 other disciples were angry at James and John for seeking honor. So Jesus said to them all

"In most places, people in power like to dominate and control others. But this is not to be your way of exercising authority.

You must exercise authority by serving others, not dominating them, just as I came not to be served, but to serve, and to give my life as a ransom for the world".

Jesus, please help me want to help and serve other people,
not dominate and control them


The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family      Full English text

148: Recording

Training in the areas of emotion and instinct is necessary, and at times this requires setting limits.

Excess, lack of control or obsession with a single form of pleasure can end up weakening and tainting that very pleasure and damaging family life.

A person can certainly channel his passions in a beautiful and healthy way, increasingly pointing them towards altruism and an integrated self-fulfilment that can only enrich interpersonal relationships in the heart of the family.

This does not mean renouncing moments of intense enjoyment, but rather integrating them with other moments of generous commitment, patient hope, inevitable weariness and struggle to achieve an ideal. 

Family life is all this, and it deserves to be lived to the fullest.

Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

141: Recording 

Economic growth, for its part, tends to produce predictable reactions and a certain standardization with the aim of simplifying procedures and reducing costs. This suggests the need for an “economic ecology” capable of appealing to a broader vision of reality. 

The protection of the environment is in fact “an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it”.[114]

We urgently need a humanism capable of bringing together the different fields of knowledge, including economics, in the service of a more integral and integrating vision.

Today, the analysis of environmental problems cannot be separated from the analysis of human, family, work-related and urban contexts, nor from how individuals relate to themselves, which leads in turn to how they relate to others and to the environment. There is an interrelation between ecosystems and between the various spheres of social interaction, demonstrating yet again that “the whole is greater than the part”.[115]

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full English text     Full Chinese text

122a: Recording

We can see that the different peoples among whom the Gospel has been inculturated are active collective subjects or agents of evangelization.

 This is because each people is the creator of their own culture and the protagonist of their own history. Culture is a dynamic reality which a people constantly recreates; each generation passes on a whole series of ways of approaching different existential situations to the next generation, which must in turn reformulate it as it confronts its own challenges.


Words yesterday of an inmate whose first language is not English: "I am very Catholic" (which actually is correct English if you understand "catholic" to mean "universal in outlook") ... but what he meant was "I'm a strong Catholic"

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Saturday,  please bless the people of Central & North America

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
3rd of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 3rd of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify the Taliban

Letters from (mainly African) inmates in Hong Kong prisons - and other drug trafficking items:   2016

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Friday September 2     

I spent yesterday morning in the High Court for the case of a Thai lady tricked/coerced by Nigerians to go to Brazil and take drugs to HK. To try to stop other people being thus tricked, I spent a good part of the afternoon preparing this file with a letter in English from the same lady, then putting this post on a popular Nigerian blog, then emailing special people to see if they can do something to stop the Nigerians in Thailand and Brazil.

Google: san paulo nigerians drugs

and see this excellent article:
Nigerians in Thailand: Two Sides to Every Story 

The madness continues, and continues quickly:
The Victorian Government has launched an extraordinary attack on religious freedom in Christian Schools and churches.

They’re trying to to change the law so that Christian schools and churches will no longer be able to require that all staff share their faith or ethos

See this report


The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Jeremiah 2

This is what God told Jeremiah to shout out loud in Jerusalem:

"The Lord says: I remember the love you used to have for me. But now you have forgotten me.

Priests and prophets have no knowledge of me. King and princes have rebelled against me.

Not only have you abandoned me,
you now follow false gods.

You have abandoned the fountain of living water in exchange for muddy pools."

Lord, please don't let anyone else or anything else ever replace you as number one in my life

My recording of this reading

Psalms 24-26

The Lord's is the earth and all its peoples. It is the Lord who is Creator of the universe.

May all hearts open their doors to the Lord. Let him enter, the king of glory.

Lord I hope in you all the day long. Forgive my sins and help me walk in your truth.

God my savior, teach me your way of truth




1 Peter 5.5-14

To everyone else I say: do what the elders tell you. Wrap yourselves in humility to be servants of each other. God refuses the proud and favors the humble

Bow down before the power of God, and he will raise you up

Unload all your worries on to him, since he is looking after you

Be calm, but careful, because your enemy the Devil is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat. Stand up to him, strong in faith

Peace to all who are in Christ

Jesus, please protect me from Satan



Today's Gospel:

Matthew 20.1-16

Jesus said to his disciples: The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them the normal daily wage.

Then about 9am he went again to the market place. He saw more men without a job.  He got them also to go to his vineyard. He promised to pay them a fair wage.

About noon and again about 3pm he once more went to the market place and employed two more groups of men.

About 5pm he went one final time and employed one last group of men.

At sunset when the men came to be paid, the owner paid everyone a normal day's wage. This made the dawn group unhappy.

They grumbled and said "We have done a full day's work in the heat. Yet we got the same as those who did only one hour's work. This is not fair!"

The owner replied "I am paying you what we agreed to. Why do you begrudge my generosity?"

Jesus, please help me not to be jealous of your gifts to others


Sing Pao newspaper boss links attacks to report on HK Chief Executive


The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family      Full English text

147: Recording  God loves the joy of his children

This calls for a pedagogical process that involves renunciation. This conviction on the part of the Church has often been rejected as opposed to human happiness. 

Benedict XVI summed up this charge with great clarity: “Doesn’t the Church, with all her commandments and prohibitions, turn to bitterness the most precious thing in life? Doesn’t she blow the whistle just when the joy which is the Creator’s gift offers us a happiness which is itself a certain foretaste of the Divine?”142

He responded that, although there have been exaggerations and deviant forms of asceticism in Christianity, the Church’s official teaching, in fidelity to the Scriptures, did not reject “eros as such, but rather declared war on a warped and destructive form of it, because this counterfeit divinization of eros… actually strips it of divine dignity and dehumanizes it”.143


History repeated:  the worst of the 2008 financial crisis is yet to come


Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

140b: Recording

We need only recall how ecosystems interact in dispersing carbon dioxide, purifying water, controlling illnesses and epidemics, forming soil, breaking down waste, and in many other ways which we overlook or simply do not know about. 

Once they become conscious of this, many people realize that we live and act on the basis of a reality which has previously been given to us, which precedes our existence and our abilities. 

So, when we speak of “sustainable use”, consideration must always be given to each ecosystem’s regenerative ability in its different areas and aspects.


Is the noose tightening around the neck of refugees in HK?    

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full English text     Full Chinese text

121a: Recording

Of course, all of us are called to mature in our work as evangelizers. We want to have better training, a deepening love and a clearer witness to the Gospel. In this sense, we ought to let others be constantly evangelizing us

But this does not mean that we should postpone the evangelizing mission; rather, each of us should find ways to communicate Jesus wherever we are. All of us are called to offer others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord, who despite our imperfections offers us his closeness, his word and his strength, and gives meaning to our lives. 


Pro-independence student groups hand out ‘Republic of Hong Kong passports’ on first day of school

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Friday,  please bless the people of South America

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
2nd of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 2nd of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, on this Muslim day of prayer, please bless all Muslims!

Letters from (mainly African) inmates in Hong Kong prisons - and other drug trafficking items:   2016

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


  Thursday September 1

Pope: we are not "disciples" and "missionaries" but "missionary disciples" - 120, below

 Hongkongers as young as 14 among hundreds arrested in HK$85 million summer drug crackdown

Apple tax ruling is a vindication of protest

Today in HK and many other parts of the world is the start of a new academic year.

Come Holy Spirit, fall afresh 
on all students 
and teachers!


China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed its appreciation at Parolin’s latest statements about two centuries of Western obstructionism which hindered the forging of relations between China and the Holy See



The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Jeremiah 1

Jeremiah lived in a village not far from Jerusalem. Jeremiah's father was a priest.

God said to Jeremiah: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. I have appointed you as prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah said to God: "Lord, I do not know how to speak. I am so young."

God then touched Jeremiah's mouth and said: "I now put my words into your mouth. Go and tell the people everything I ask you to speak.

Do not be dismayed by anyone. I am making you strong.

You must confront Judah's kings, priests and people. They will oppose you, but will not overcome you, for I am with you."

Lord, please give special courage
to people who speak your message for the world

My recording of this reading

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.

He guides me along the right path. He is true to his name. If I should walk in the valley of darkness no evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort.

You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil. My cup is overflowing.

Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord's own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.

Thank you, Lord, for being my good shepherd


1 Peter 5.1-4

To those of you who are elders I say: I am an elder myself, a witness to the sufferings of Christ

Be good shepherds of the flock that God has entrusted to you.
Watch over it, not simply as a duty, or for sordid money, but gladly, because that's what God wants you to do

Never be a dictator over any group that is in your charge, but be an example that the whole flock can follow

When the Chief Shepherd appears, you will be given the crown of unfading glory

Jesus, help pastors and elders be good shepherds




Matthew 19.27-29

On behalf of all the disciples, Peter asked Jesus "What about us?  We have left everything to follow you."

Jesus replied "You will be leaders in the church on earth.

Also, anyone who has left home, family or country for the sake of my name, will receive a 100-fold blessing in this life, and will also receive eternal life in Heaven."

Jesus, please bless all Gospel workers



The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family      Full English text

146: Recording

This being said, if passion accompanies a free act, it can manifest the depth of that act.

Marital love strives to ensure that one’s entire emotional life benefits the family as a whole and stands at the service of its common life.

A family is mature when the emotional life of its members becomes a form of sensitivity that neither stifles nor obscures great decisions and values, but rather follows each one’s freedom,141 springs from it, enriches, perfects and harmonizes it in the service of all.


Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

140a: Recording 

Due to the number and variety of factors to be taken into account when determining the environmental impact of a concrete undertaking, it is essential to give researchers their due role, to facilitate their interaction, and to ensure broad academic freedom. 

Ongoing research should also give us a better understanding of how different creatures relate to one another in making up the larger units which today we term “ecosystems”. We take these systems into account not only to determine how best to use them, but also because they have an intrinsic value independent of their usefulness. 

Each organism, as a creature of God, is good and admirable in itself; the same is true of the harmonious ensemble of organisms existing in a defined space and functioning as a system. Although we are often not aware of it, we depend on these larger systems for our own existence


Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full English text     Full Chinese text

120b: Recording

 Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather that we are always “missionary disciples”. 

If we are not convinced, let us look at those first disciples, who, immediately after encountering the gaze of Jesus, went forth to proclaim him joyfully: “We have found the Messiah!”. The Samaritan woman became a missionary immediately after speaking with Jesus and many Samaritans came to believe in him “because of the woman’s testimony” . So too, Saint Paul, after his encounter with Jesus Christ, “immediately proclaimed Jesus.”  So what are we waiting for?


"One of the best advertisements ever" - The Stethoscope

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Thursday,  please bless the people of S.E. Asia & Pacific

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
1st of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 1st of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Al-Qaeda


This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


Wednesday August 31                              Pope's definition of "environment" - 139, below

This is a major development: 

CY may be fuelling independence calls - Anson Chan

Pro-Beijing Sing Pao newspaper demands Chinese disciplinary agency investigate CY Leung

This 3 minute video is good:
What's marriage really about?


Here’s why same-sex marriage advocates don’t want you to have a say on changing marriage


President George Bush has been vindicated on stem cell decision

Chris McDonnell  
(UK blogger)

To have and to hold and to give

There should be a place in the  Church for a married priesthood 

The Book  Blog
4 readings + recordings

Comments/reflections welcome here
Readings are from Simple Bible

Isaiah 62-66

The Lord says: "My eyes are drawn to the humble and contrite person who lovingly meditates on my word.

Towards Jerusalem I will send peace, flowing like a river.

I am going to gather the nations of every language. All peoples will know and love me

Lord, please give me more love for the Bible. Please give the world more peace. Please help all peoples know and love you

Psalm 22 (a)

(Many things in this psalm happened to Jesus when he was put to death. This psalm prophesizes Jesus' death)

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? I call to you for help, but day and night you give no reply.

I am a worm and not a man.
Everyone who sees me makes fun of me.

They taunt  me: "He trusted in the Lord, why doesn't the Lord help him?"

Like water I am poured out, my bones no longer connected. My throat is parched, my tongue sticks to my jaws.

Many evil people attack me. They make holes in my hands and my feet. They await my death.

They divide my clothing among them, they throw a dice for my robe.


Psalm 22 (b)

Yet I know Lord, that  you are good and holy. I know how you heard the cries of our ancestors and you helped them.

It was you who took me from the womb and entrusted me to my mother's breast.

To you I was committed from my birth, from my mother's womb you have been my God.

Lord, I trust in you even now. I trust you will not scorn my prayer.

Even now I praise you as my Creator. May all the nations know and worship you.

Lord, please help people who are in big trouble right now, especially people whose lives are in danger


Matthew 19.16-26

A young man asked Jesus
"Master, what do I have to do to get to Heaven?"

Jesus replied "Keep the commandments: do not kill;  do not commit adultery; honor your father and mother; care for others as much as you care about yourself".

The young man said "I have kept all these commandments. What else do I need to do?"

Jesus said "If you want to do something really special with your life, go and sell all your possessions, give the money to the poor, then come and follow me as one of my disciples".

When the young man heard these words he went away sad, because he was very rich.

Jesus then said to his disciples "It is hard for a rich person to get to Heaven".

Jesus,  don't let riches endanger my eternal life


The Joy of Love - Pope Francis' letter - on love in the family     Full English text

145: Recording

Experiencing an emotion is not, in itself, morally good or evil.140

The stirring of desire or repugnance is neither sinful nor blameworthy. 

What is morally good or evil is what we do on the basis of, or under the influence of, a given passion.

But when passions are aroused or sought, and as a result we perform evil acts, the evil lies in the decision to fuel them and in the evil acts that result. 

Along the same lines, my being attracted to someone is not automatically good. If my attraction to that person makes me try to dominate him or her, then my feeling only serves my selfishness.

To believe that we are good simply because “we feel good” is a tremendous illusion.

There are those who feel themselves capable of great love only because they have a great need for affection, yet they prove incapable of the effort needed to bring happiness to others. 

They remain caught up in their own needs and desires. 

In such cases, emotions distract from the highest values and conceal a self-centredness that makes it impossible to develop a healthy and happy family life


Founder of Hong Kong free tuition centre receives sufficient donations for children’s education

Full English text

Full Chinese text

Pope's letter on climate change:
Laudato Si

139: Recording 

When we speak of the “environment”, what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it.

Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature, included in it and thus in constant interaction with it. 

Recognizing the reasons why a given area is polluted requires a study of the workings of society, its economy, its behaviour patterns, and the ways it grasps reality. 

Given the scale of change, it is no longer possible to find a specific, discrete ((distinct?)) answer for each part of the problem. It is essential to seek comprehensive solutions which consider the interactions within natural systems themselves and with social systems.

We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.

Vatican optimistic about improved relations with China

Pope  Francis: The Joy of the Gospel             Full English text     Full Chinese text

120a: Recording

In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples. All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelization to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients.

 The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.


Victorian government has introduced a law that would allow anyone to walk into Birth Deaths and Marriages and change the gender on their birth certificate regardless of whether they have had a sex change operation or not.

Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:

Sun: Africa        Mon: Europe & Russia     Tues: South Asia      Wed: East Asia  
Thurs: S.E. Asia & Pacific    
   Frid: South America       Sat: Central & North America 

Jesus, today, Wednesday,  please bless the people of East Asia

And praying for prisoners in one part of China each day of the month:

On this
31st of the month,  Jesus please bless the prisoners of

And praying for one of the world's poorest countries each day of the month:
On this 31st of the month, Jesus please bless the people of

And praying for one Islam-related intention each day of the week:
Jesus, please pacify Al-Shabaab 

Letters from (mainly African) inmates in Hong Kong prisons - and other drug trafficking items:   2016

This website's Tanzania File
(stopping Africans from being tricked into bringing drugs to HK)

- letters  from Tanzanian inmates  in Hong Kong prisons

This website's HK Asylum Seekers' File
(stopping South Asians from being "people smuggled" to HK)


Pope's surprise visit to drug treatment centre

Pope is practising what he preaches: "get out and mix with the poor"


HK readers might like to join me in praying each day for one group of HK prison inmates:  Sun: Lo Wu    Mon: C.I.C., Siu Lam, Tai Lam     Tue: Stanley   Wed:  Hei Ling Chau    Thu: Lantau       Fri: Lai Chi Kok       Sat: Hospitals, Pik Uk & other centres

Pope Francis:
Thank you Holy Spirit

Inspiring photos:

Abp-Bergoglio01.jpg (24769 bytes)


2013-04-09PopeFrancisAtMass.jpg (68152 bytes)

inmates.jpg (66142 bytes)

2013-06-06pope-francis.jpg (89098 bytes)

2013-06-12pope-francis-CLAR.jpg (48571 bytes)

2013-07-29pope-plane.jpg (270817 bytes)

2013-11-07pope.jpg (21651 bytes)  Links
01  02

2014-02-23to-Evangelicals.jpg (107190 bytes)

2014-03-11retreat.jpg (9338 bytes)

2014-03-10Bergoglio-Mass-in-streets.jpg (14759 bytes)

2014-03-16jokes01.jpg (31311 bytes)

2014-03-26homeless-Jesus-sculpture.jpg (49038 bytes)

2014-05-25security-wall.jpg (45994 bytes)

2014-06-03charasmatic-gathering.jpg02.jpg (19951 bytes)

2014-06-08Presidents05.jpg (27009 bytes)

2014-07-25cafeteria.jpg (306847 bytes)

2015-04-02washing-feet01.jpg (47055 bytes)

2015-09-22Fiat.png (91264 bytes)

2015-09-24Congress.jpg (43598 bytes) Link


Newness, harmony, mission

Engagements of Pope Francis

Zenit.org - reports from Rome

This website's kind bloggers
(past and present)
with archives of articles:

Hazel C
Daniel Daring
Inigo Joachim
Janny Law
Brian Lewis
Judith Lynch 
Martin Mallon
Chris McDonnell
Bill Mulcahy 
Des O'Donnell
Darlene Starrs


David Timbs
Peter Wilkinson
   Harry Winter 
  John Wotherspoon

This website tries to stop "tanks"
(war, global warming, exploitation of the poor, globalisation of indifference, liturgical "reform of the reform" & other anti-Vatican II forces, "same-sex marriage" juggernaut etc)

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John W: Previous Daily Blogs

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 of Bishop Bill Morris

Hans Küng:  Letter to bishops  

Revolution to stop authoritarianism 

Fr Joseph Ratzinger: 
Writings on Vat II 

Robert Mickens:
Vatican Implosion

Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: 
Of Happy Memory - and Hope?

Robert McNally:  
Crisis & Criticism in the Church 

Priests 9 Masses a day
 - need to ordain married men

Why are women not being
 ordained to priesthood?

A Call to Action
Assn Catholic Priests Ireland

Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal 
The Swag
VII - Voice of the Church

We Are Church

Excellent articles on Mission

Hugh McMahon SSC

Imposter Priests
- refusing to pass on the teaching of Francis' The Joy of the Gospel

My Islam File

Political leaders who live(d) a simple life style and care(d) for the poor

HK Democracy File - essential reading

HK Asylum Seekers File

IS (ISIS) File - Essential Reading

Gaza File - essential reading


1998 ICEL Sacramentary

Misguided Missal

The new translation
Ghastly process/result

Ron Schmit:
 1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II


 Sacred Space  Daily prayer online.
Available in 19 languages

Jackie Evancho  - To Believe
to-believe.jpg (305669 bytes)

Daily prayer with beautiful music

Whole text of 1966 Jerusalem Bible

The Last Supper -  Bohdan Piasecki 
Last-Supper-Piasecki.jpg (69304 bytes)
(click to enlarge)

The Lord's Day (Pope John Paul II)

How can we stop the anger, end the fear?  



You Raise Me Up    The Juggler

Bob Welsh - My Christmas Eve

 A Tale of Two Brains

Steep Your Soul: Meet Chris

The Story of Jonah 
as Told by The Cutest Little Girl
(gets even better as it goes along)

YouTube KLM!  André Rieu YouTube

YouTube about Oblates in HK

Gospel Call to Creation Care

It's a blessed cancer life 

North Africa refugee boat - Link
refugees03.png (2697912 bytes)

Abortion Survivor’s Letter
 to the Abortionist

Give me oil in my lamp

Ronald Regan - On His Knees

Draw a stick man

Full text of booklet is here: Front cover, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, back cover  Comments welcome here


16 Documents of Vatican II

This website's  Reflections on the 16 documents  of Vatican II

Be careful of junk reading re Pope:
Chancery report in English
Chancery report in Chinese


Why I collect rubbish for Pope

Taking a stand

Navigation Aids      

  Standing up to bullies

"Reform of reform" agenda

Too Western/European 

Abortion - a true story

The evil of compulsory celibacy

Link between compulsory celibacy
 and sexual abuse

     Near Death Experiences

Daniel Wallace - The Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism - YouTube

Globalisation of Indifference

Tribalism lives on, 
for better and for worse

Video: Sydney Peace Prize Lecture by Julian Burnside  


Many thanks for checking
 this website each day

To publish an article on this site please contact Fr John Wotherspoon omi:   jdwomi@gmail.com  

If you find a broken link in this website,
  please contact: jdwomi@gmail.com

John W's other sites: 







China Library
 - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

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Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I.  胡 頌 恆 神 父   
 Email:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
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