Daniel Daring       2013 articles                                   2012 articles


Dec 29: The Feast of the Holy Family
Aside from internal problems that every family is facing, there are two major “Herods” that threaten the existence of our families: our leaders and poverty

Dec 25: Darkness cannot overcome the light
Christmas proclaims a powerful message of hope: Jesus, the light of the world, has come to defeat the darkness and set us free from all things that enslave our lives. Let us experience the power of this message and share its joy with others.

Dec 22: How shall we respond to this sign?
Christmas is not about a tree or Santa Claus. Christmas is about our response to the sign given to us by God signifying that our salvation is drawing near. Will this sign be enough to make us trust in God for our salvation?

Dec 15: Is He the One? - A Report about Jesus
The first Christians gave this report about Him: “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised , and the good news is preached to the poor” . What kind of report would we give about Jesus?  My experience teaches me again and again that Jesus  not only gives hope, but also saves from sin, from sickness, and from death

Dec 8: Fear of God; Knowledge of God
The Philippine Daily Inquirer on December 5, 2007 carried a front page news story about a group of  farmers who marched 1700 km to request the Department of Agrarian Reform to stop the conversion of their land by San Miguel Foods Inc. into an industrial zone. The journey from their homes to Manila took two months. What is wrong with us. Why have we created a world where people have to walk a thousand kilometers to beg for something they deserve as their right? Perhaps the Psalmist is right by assessing that “there is no fear of God before our eyes”  and that our wise do not seek after God (Psalm 14:2). Yet in the eyes of the prophet Isaiah, fear of God and knowledge of God are the basis for creating a world where everyone can have a decent place to live.

Dec 1: Holy Living
Our world is in love with mystics and visionaries. We like to listen to their descriptions of how great God is and what He is going to do in the near future. However, we have less appreciation for the prophets who plainly state what God demands from us. How trite and prosaic is a call to repentance compared with a description of God's majesty or a prediction of the coming end of the world. And yet, at the beginning of this Advent Season, we hear such a prosaic message from the prophet Isaiah: “O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord”

Nov 24: Proclaiming Jesus as our Savior - Christ, the King
When the Roman Empire Public Relations branch coined a poem about the divinity of the Emperor,  Christians responded with a beautiful hymn sung in praise of Jesus. The PR poem was designed to spread the cult of Caesar and stated:
He [the Emperor] is the image of God; he is the first born and he is given the first place; he is equal to the beginnings of all things; he restores order and is the beginning of life and vitality. Therefore, he is god manifest. He is the savior who has put the end to war. 
The Christians took that poem, did some editing, and totally changed its message  

Nov 17: Dangerous memory Jesus
Even though things look bleak and hope is hard to find, yet the Gospel continues to hold its spell over us because of its fascinating story about individuals and small communities of people who found in Jesus strength and courage to change the course of history. This story will surely encounter opposition, because of its subversive message. That explains why its bearers usually end in the same way as their Lord – on the cross. And yet we are drawn to it, because it promises the fulfillment of our longings for a world free from injustice and oppression

Nov 10: The God of the living
What is, then, the truth about life after death? We do not know; we haven't died yet. Since we cannot figure it out, perhaps we should faith it out. Our belief in the resurrection proclaims that salvation is not just about our souls, but about our bodies as well. Disfigured by unjust sufferings, daily hardships, violence, sicknesses, decay, and death, they are going to be transfigured by the Spirit of God. Jesus has begun this process; the rest of us and the whole creation will follow

Nov 3: Today salvation has come to this house
It seems that two thousand year ago it was easy to experience salvation. One could decide to see Jesus, climb a tree and then the Lord was calling him by name. How about today? Well. The Good News of the Gospel retains its power.  It is today that Jesus must enter our house; it is also today that salvation comes to our lives. But it comes to those who declare that they are lost and make an effort to meet Jesus

Oct 24: Do not despise them
The earth abounds with Pharisees. Not only individuals, but entire nations are infected with this spiritual disease. As in the time of Jesus, the Pharisees of our time belong to the most influential religious and political lobbies that dictate the policies of our world. 

The earth is also full of tax-collectors, people who are taught to feel guilty because of the way they look, the way they speak or the work they do. 

Oct 17: Grant us justice, O Lord
We live in a world where criminals receive state funerals with laudatory speeches while their victims are reduced to oblivion. Our history books are written by the ‘secular priests’ working for the victors. Truth gets lost under the garbage of lies. And yet, as the parable rightly tells us, we should not give up our cry for justice

Oct 10: Gratitude 
“Gratitude may be the purest measure of one's character and spiritual condition. The absence of the ability to be grateful reveals self-centeredness or the attitude that I deserve more than I ever get, so I do not need to be grateful”.
The word Eucharist originates from a Greek noun that means thanksgiving. Our Mass is ended, but our Eucharist continues

Oct 3: The righteous will live by faith
We may boast of our scientific and technological achievements, but when it comes to the issue of justice, our world resembles that of Habakkuk ....and with Habakkuk, even in times of great distress, we can look forward in faith to a time of help from the Lord

Sep 26: Hear the Scriptures and repent
The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus teaches that there is more to life than amassing a fortune thanks to unjust economical system or inheritance. It warns that luxurious living constructs “a great chasm” that prevents the flow of God’s mercy. However, it also states that there is a possibility of repentance. We can always turn to the Scriptures and listen to Moses, the Prophets, and Jesus. Repenting of our insatiable greed, we can bridge the great chasm of inequality and end up being carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom

Sep 19: Let justice flow like water - words from Amos, one of the most disturbing people who have ever lived: the prophets - men whose inspiration brought the Bible into being, men whose image is our refuge in distress, and whose voice and vision sustains our faith

Sep 12: Ersatz god   (an explanation of "ersatz" ! ...a new word for me...jw)

The Spirit of Jesus makes God known to you. You can hear Him speaking to you; you can feel His emotions; you can know His plans for your life. And when this encounter  takes place you will join me in this conviction: nothing can be compared with the thrill of hearing God speaking directly to us.

Sep 5: How much does it cost to follow Jesus? 
There will be moments, when our hearts are going to be torn between our commitment to Him and our love for family, friends, and things we like to have. Let then the Spirit of Jesus enlighten us to make the right choice, so we may be found worthy of being called the disciples of Jesus

Aug 29: Jesus’ comments on our table manners
What is the Spirit speaking to you about humility and hospitality? Who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out’? How do you see yourself in the eyes of God? How do you see and treat others? Is Jesus’ teaching inviting you to make some changes in your community or at your home? 

August 22: Irrelevant Question
Jesus disregards the question about how many will be saved and directs us to commit ourselves towards concrete actions: “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door” ...which means embracing His principles and putting them into action in the ever changing context of one’s life

August 15: Assumption: Disobedient Mary! 
It seems that the real Hebrew meaning of the name Miriam is "to be rebellious, disobedient".  When we listen attentively to her Magnificat, we can sense how she rebels against the unjust world she lived in

August 15: Decision that leads to division
When my uncle was slowly drinking himself to death, I kept quiet; when my brother was drifting away from the faith, I was told to mind my own business; when the scandal of priests was being exposed, I joined those who tried to excuse them by saying that ‘they are not angels’; and when my boss was humiliating people in my presence, I was unable to stand up for their rights. Such an attitude is strongly encouraged by our contemporary culture: do not rock the boat; keep your faith for yourself; and excuse others ‘shortcomings,’ because nobody is perfect

August 8: Do not be afraid, little flock:
Ask yourself what the topics of your conversations are, how you allocate your time, what you are passionate about. Is God’s kingdom somewhere on your list? Jesus says that “where your treasure is, there your heart will also be”  and it is your heart that reveals the truth about your priorities, concerns, and desires

August 1: Rich towards God
I am amazed at the amount of books being published under the section of ‘self-help’ and ‘personal finances.’ We are told to be tougher, better organized, more independent, self-sufficient, and profit oriented. I wonder how well this message goes with Christian values of sharing, community, and trusting God

July 25: The righteous in the city (Manila, Philippines)
‘Sir! Your backpack is open.’ I thank him, close my bag, and continue my journey with a sudden realization that it is not the police that can protect this city, or any other city, from succumbing to crime and violence. It is the quiet presence of the righteous ones that make any city habitable, peaceful, and prosperous

July 18: Hospitality
Today this ancient virtue seems to be in decline. Strangers are treated with rudeness, wanderers and beggars are considered as pests of society, and the majority of us prefer to meet God in the chapel or church rather than in our homes by entertaining a stranger. The startling example of our xenophobic attitude is the story of 433 Afghan asylum-seekers rescued from the sinking Indonesian ferry, KM Palapa, by the Norwegian cargo ship, MV Tampa, on August 26, 2001

July 11: Who is my neighbor?  
Many times I have tried to justify my lack of involvement in helping others with the same question. It never worked, because I knew the answer. Who is my neighbor? It is anybody who happens to cross the path of my life and either verbally or silently expresses his/her need for help.
Neither being in a hurry nor compassion fatigue excuse me from getting involved.

July 4: What counts is a new creation
What counts in our faith-life? Is it Paul’s new creation or two thousand years of tradition, codified in rules and norms, equalized with the message of the Gospel, and making others feel bad about themselves? Are those who claim that faith with our tradition is what counts any different from those Jews who claimed that faith with their tradition was what counted?  

June 27: Know the spirit  you are of
Jesus’ disciples, enraged by the lack of hospitality shown to Him in a Samaritan village, were about to call “fire down from heaven” to destroy it. How childish, how stupid, and yet how common! Since the invention of bombs, rockets, missiles and planes, fire has begun to fall from heaven bringing death and destruction. We seem to believe that the only way to settle our quarrels is to wage war, and this action is always justified by a ‘higher cause’

June 20: Equal and one in Christ
The phrase “in Christ” occurs 164 times in Paul's writings.  Those who are “in Christ” do not need “ethical norms, legal rules, or communal instructions.” In any circumstances of life, they intuitively discern the cause of action. By clothing themselves with Christ, they have internalized Christ's values and attitudes of which the most important is respect for the dignity of others

June 13: "I have something to tell you"   
To the surprise of Simon and all his guests, Jesus disregarded the concept of purity and its customary laws. He allowed the woman to ‘defile’ him, and instead of advising her to go through the purity rites, he announced that she was free from her sins. What a challenging action! What a shock to all religious leaders present at that dinner! What a relief to the woman! 

June 6: The key to a miracle
The key to every miracle is compassion. When we feel the pain of others, we begin to think and pray for a solution. Compassion was the springboard for almost every miracle performed by Jesus

May 30: The Body and Blood of Christ - Remembering Jesus

It is time that we enlarge our understanding of the Eucharist. It is not just about the Real Presence. It is much more than that. The Eucharist is about making Jesus’ vision for humanity real in our communities, by welcoming everyone, treating each person with dignity of a child of God, and by justly distributing the resources of the Earth among all. It is my conviction that's how Jesus would like to be remembered

May 23: Trinity Sunday - a reflection on the Trinity
A few years before his death, Thomas Aquinas stopped writing theological treaties. When asked for the reason, he is supposed to have had answered: ‘Some months ago I experienced something of the Absolute, so all I have ever written about God seems to me now to be like straw.’ It is my wish that we experience something of that Absolute, who reveals Himself as “only one God, the Father, from who all things come, and only one Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and only one Spirit, the Gift, in all things” (St. Hilary)

May 19: Flat tire theology   
I am writing this article on the eve of Pentecost. You will go to your church, hear the powerful testimony about the disciples of Jesus being transformed by the "wind" and the "fire", but I am afraid that you will go back home and live your life without that transforming power of the Spirit. The truth is that it is easier to celebrate than live; it is also safer. The first Christians did not celebrate Pentecost, but they lived a life filled with the power of the Spirit. I would love to exchange our celebration for their experience. I am tired of hearing how the Spirit fell on them; I want Her to fall on me as well; I am tired of a church that celebrates Pentecost, but it is not filled with power from above; I want my church to be a vehicle of transformation, a true witness to the values of the Gospel

May 16: Pentecost Sunday The Spirit of Jesus Christ is in us to teach us and to remind us of these simple truths: there is no life without love; by obeying God’s will  we record our names in the book of life;  the Holy Spirit makes Jesus’ presence real in our midst

May 9: Between Jesus' absence  and the Spirit's presence -
The Ascension (C)
The realization of Jesus’ absence never hit me so strongly as in Macau.  The city has many  old churches, filled with Christian paintings and statues, but empty of people, save for a few visitors. Yet you can find tens of thousands of people in nearby casinos

May 2: Do not be afraid to face the future
The words pierced his heart. The fear was gone; peace began to reign. And with that experience a sudden realization dawned on  him that God was not yet finished with him. God is never finished with us

April 25:  And I saw a new heaven  and a new earth
The Jewish rabbis have a saying that if only all the Jews would obey God’s commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, by spending it on prayer and reading God’s word, instead of doing their business, then the Messiah would come. We Christians could as well say that if only all of us would obey Jesus’ commandment, ‘love one another as I have loved you,’ then heaven would descend upon the earth

April 18: Entrusting the sheep to Jesus' care
Wendy was one among those other sheep, which Jesus must also bring to the flock; she heard the voice of the shepherd and her life has changed: ‘I was always asking myself about the  afterlife. It was so scary to think that there is nothing after this life and we just disappear. Now I know that there is eternal life  and it fills my heart with peace and joy.’

April 11: Without Jesus, nothing works. With Jesus, all is well again
The tragedy is that for many of us, Jesus continues to be in the grave. So, like Peter and his friends, we want to go back to our previous life and do business as usual. We want to forget our failures as Christians and find success in something else: our work. But what is the outcome of this decision? “So they went out and got into the boat, but that night caught nothing”

April 4: How can I be sure? The story of Thomas
We have eyes and yet we may not see the wonders of the Lord in our lives and in the lives of others: the eyes of faith are the ones that matter

March 28:  He saw and believed
To believe that Jesus is alive means to commune with Him, to recall His words recorded in the Gospels, and to sense His presence when everything tries to tell you that He is absent. Such faith can only spring out of your personal relationship with Jesus, of your trust in Him. The beloved disciple saw and believed, because he remembered and trusted

March 21: The Story of the Cross
The girl was able to give witness to her faith, while being tortured, because the crucified Son of God was with her. 
This is the wonderful truth of Christianity: the cross gives strength

March 14: Go and sin no more
he story of the woman caught in the act of adultery reminds us about the purpose God has for each one of us. 
It has nothing to do with punishment and death; it has everything to do with salvation and life

March 7: Coming Home
A beautiful reflection based on two Prodigal Son paintings,
one by
Rembrandt  and the other by Frank Wesley, an Indian artist

Feb 28: Second Chance
Look around; see the faces of the people you meet everyday. Think of what you can do for them. It is true that life is fragile and we do not know the day and the hour.
Yet we can turn it into something priceless and live each day in such a way that, at the end, we will not regret having missed chances of doing good and losing opportunities of caring for others.

Feb 21:  T R A N S F I G U R AT I O N
Transfiguration should give us  sure hope, to trust that sufferings do not have the last word

Feb 15: What do you need saving from?
Know your problem and then pray accordingly. Do not ask for forgiveness if the thing you need is freedom; do not ask for freedom, if what you need is a pathway to come home. Know your problem and pray accordingly.

Feb 14: A lesson from the desert
The story of Jesus’ temptations is commonly associated with human addiction to easy life, power, and fame. It is partly true, but it is not the main lesson of this story. Jesus teaches us how to make choices in life. He sets in front of us two guiding principles on which we should base our decisions in every specific situation: (1) our identity as children of God; (2) our allegiance to God alone. 

Feb 7: Beyond Sin
We should be less preoccupied with sin, and more with Jesus’ amazing grace of provision and invitation to join in His mission. It was not without reason that the story about Jesus was called good news. It is all about God’s gracious love, abundance, and blessing. Let us, then, keep it that way and not change it into a religion of guilt.

Jan 31: Open your mind; enlarge your heart
Jesus’ countrymen wanted to throw him down the cliff for exposing their prejudices and lack of faith.  But there is a better way then that. We can face the truth about ourselves, and ask Him to open our minds, and enlarge our hearts, so we will be able to rejoice at seeing God’s grace working in and through people of different Christian denominations and different religions.  

Jan 24: Jesus' mission statement
In pursuing their mission statement, Microsoft and Google have become a great story of success; in pursuing His, Jesus ended up on the cross.
Perhaps the world was not ready to accept someone with such a powerful mission.
But are we ready now?

Jan 17: Is it possible?
Faced with the miracle of water being changed into wine, we have two choices: explain it or embrace it. Seeing 600 liters of best quality wine, we can sense how extravagant Jesus is when it comes to gifting us with grace and blessing and new chances in life.

Jan 10: You are my beloved daughter
I personally call Baptism the sacrament of freedom, and connect it with the experience of Israel in Egypt.  Egypt represents the power of sin that tries to destroy our lives, and we need God's mercy to be set free. 

Jan 3: A quest for a personal God
Daniel tells the story of 3 modern magi - Einstein, Planck & Carver - and checks if they made it to Bethlehem

Jan 1: The blessing for a new year - Mary, Mother of God
Beautiful Jan 1 reflection
We may be doubting whether God's blessing bestowed on us on this first day of a new year would be able to carry us safely throughout the entire year. Yet, a blessing “is not a casual activity.” It carries with itself a power to protect from charms, magic spells, and all sorts of bad influence. Each time my mother was sending us off to school, field trip, or vacation, she would mark our foreheads with the sign of the cross, firmly believing in the protecting power of this blessing.